This case depicts a 52 year old woman who underwent an upper eyelid lift and a short scar face lift.
Her post-operative photographs depict her appearance at approximately four months after surgery.
Although a short scar face lift does not require any incisions beneath the ears, it can have a profound effect on the jowls and the skin and fat beneath the chin.
This case depicts a 41 year old woman who wanted to achieve a more youthful appearance to her neck. Because she had good skin quality, Dr. Belsley felt that her skin would retract appropriately after liposuction. She underwent ultrasound assisted liposuction of the upper neck. Her post-operative photographs show her at just over two months after surgery.
Our face and its features are what makes us individual and human. Time modifies our appearance. With appropriate care and intervention, the changes that occur over time will enhance our inner beauty and not detract from it.
This case depicts a 47 year old woman whose concerns included that her lower body was out of proportion with her upper body. This body shape affected the way that her clothing fit. She underwent liposuction of the lateral thighs, medial thighs and medial knees, restoring balance to her body.
Liposuction, in this type of an individual, can increase fashion options, improve the fit of clothing and certainly increase self-confidence.
The recovery time varies with the amount of fat removed and the areas addressed. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately three months after surgery.
The following photographs depict an 18 year old woman who wished to have a larger and fuller bust. She underwent breast augmentation with smooth, round 330 cc saline implants.The implants were placed beneath her pectoralis muscles using incisions placed within the areolas.
The post-operative photographs depict her at approximately 6 months after her surgery. Peri-areolar incisions can heal nearly imperceptibly. They are hidden in virtually all fashions and swimwear. Dr. Belsley can place either saline or silicone implants through this type of incision.
This case depicts a 37 year old woman who had borne one child and had noted that her breasts had begun to sag and develop a deflated appearance.
She underwent a vertical or "lollipop" incision breast lift along with placement of 300 cc smooth, round saline implants beneath the pectoralis muscles. Her post-operative photographs depict her appearance approximately one year after surgery.
This case study also demonstrates how the nipple and areolar positions located too low and too close to the midline in this case, can be improved as part of the procedure.
This case depicts a 29 year old woman who wished to have a larger and fuller bust. She underwent breast augmentation with smooth, round 350 cc saline implants.The implants were placed beneath her pectoralis muscles through an incision in the lower fold of the breast.
The post-operative photographs depict her at approximately 3 months after surgery. The infra mammary incision is a good option for women whose areolas are too small to undergo breast augmentation. Other options for such an individual include placing an incision in the axilla.
This case depicts a 30 year old woman who had undergone breast augmentation with 300 cc smooth, round saline implants placed above the pectoralis muscles via a periareolar incision by another surgeon approximately one year prior to her consultation with Dr. Belsley.
Her Grade IV capsular contracture was revised by exchanging her implants and placing the new 330 cc smooth, round saline implants below the pectoralis muscle and performing a vertical or "lollipop" incision breast lift. The post-operative photographs depict her appearance just under one year after her corrective surgery.