The brow is an integral component of a beautiful face. In addition to its importance as a stand-alone feature, it complements the eye much like a stunning frame can bring a photograph or painting to life. Like the remainder of the face, its appearance can change with time.
Rejuvenating or reshaping the brow can make an enormous impact upon an individual's appearance. Dr. Belsley reshapes the brows using a variety of methods, but her goal is always a natural and warm result that emphasizes facial harmony.

This case depicts a 45 year old woman who wished to address her "heavy" upper eyelids and the fact that others often perceived her as angry.
Dr. Belsley felt that she would benefit from elevating the position of her eyebrows in addition to having upper and lower eyelid lifts. The combination of the brow lift and eyelid lifts opened up her eyes and defined her.
Upper eyelid creases, while maintain a youthful fullness to the upper eyelid. The post-operative photographs depict her appearance at two weeks after surgery. Dr. Belsley performs brow lifts using a few short incisions within the hairline. The position of the eyebrows alone can be elevated using the incision through which an upper eyelid lift is performed.

This case depicts a 60 year old woman who wished to undergo facial rejuvenation. She underwent an endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower eyelid lift and a short scar face lift with liposuction of the upper neck. Her post-operative photographs show her at approximately three and one half months after surgery.
Because the brows frame the eyes, a brow lift is as important for rejuvenating the appearance of the eyes as an eyelid lift in certain individuals. The two combined can achieve a result that neither alone is able to obtain.

This case depicts a 56 year old woman who wished to improve the appearance of sagging skin that she had developed as a result of age and dramatic weight loss.
She underwent an endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower eyelid lifts, a short scar face lift and a neck lift. Her post-operative photographs depict her appearance at approximately 4 months after surgery.
Although a properly executed short scar face lift can effect some improvement in the appearance of sagging skin in the neck with no incisions behind the ears, individuals with an extensive amount of skin and muscle descent require longer incisions and a formal neck lift to achieve dramatic results.

This case depicts a 55 year old woman who wished to achieve a more youthful facial appearance. In addition, others felt that she often appeared "angry." She underwent an endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower eyelid lifts and a short scar face lift which addressed the skin and fat beneath the chin, the jowls and elevated the midface. The post-operative photographs depict her appearance approximately three and a half months after surgery.
A short scar face lift often requires no incisions behind the ears and can achieve an excellent result in appropriately selected cases. The recovery time ranges from two to four weeks, although some individuals return to work as early as one week after surgery.

This individual underwent a breast reduction in which almost two and a half pounds of weight was removed from the breasts. The breasts are shortened in length and lifted to give a rounder appearance. This photograph was taken at approximately four months following surgery. Liposuction of the tissue that lies between the upper outer quadrant of the breast and the upper arm can create a smoother transition between the breast and the arm and improve the fit of certain types of clothing.
In this case, an additional incision was made to remove skin from the tissue that lies between the upper outer quadrant of the breast and the upper arm on the individual’s left side. Only liposuction was performed on the individual’s right side.
Questions Related to Brow Lift
The arch of the brow
I’ve noticed that what we consider a youthful brow today is very different from what was considered youthful even one and certainly two generations ago. Aesthetically pleasing women’s brows are now closer to the eye and therefore lower on the brow bone than they were in the past. The arch of the brow is closer to the outer corner of the eye than it was before.
More >>Browlifts address fallen brows and a wrinkled forehead
The procedure is indicated in the patient whose brows have fallen, beginning to overhang the eyes, whose forehead is wrinkled with transverse lines and vertical lines over the bridge of the nose.
It may be accomplished by “open” or “closed” (endoscopic) surgery. The open procedure, obviously the older, has the advantage of easier and direct vision, and if there is substantial excess skin this is the only choice. And endoscopic apparatus is not available to all surgeons in all parts of the world, and even where it is, there are surgeons who prefer to continue with the “tried and true” they have become used to doing.