In fringilla fringilla velit, vel malesuada lorem auctor mollis? Donec quis nisl in quam ultrices vestibulum. Morbi viverra facilisis lacinia. Ut interdum tincidunt rutrum. Quisque tellus ante, dapibus ut tincidunt ut, viverra laoreet eros. Donec vitae ante ut orci rhoncus posuere id vel massa nunc.
This case depicts a 41 year old woman who wished to have slightly smaller and shapelier breasts. She underwent breast reduction using an inverted T or "anchor" incision pattern.
Her post-operative photographs depict her appearance approximately two months after surgery.
With optimal design before surgery, the portion of this incision that runs along the fold of the breast is nearly completely hidden. Reduction of the areolar size for balance and proportion is an additional advantage of this procedure.
This case depicts a 47 year old woman who wished to improve the appearance of her neck and jawline.
Because I felt that her skin elasticity (i.e., the ability of the skin to "snap back") was excellent for her age, I performed ultrasound assisted liposuction to the neck and jowl region without a face lift. Her post-operative photographs show her at approximately two and a half months after surgery.
Ultrasound assisted liposuction can be utilized to address the cheek and jowl region as well as the neck.
Individuals who are candidates should have good skin elasticity and an excess of fat without a significant excess of skin. Typically, individuals who are good candidates for this procedure are in their twenties and thirties and sometimes their early forties. Once an individual is over the age of 45, it is rare that they do not look much better with at least a short scar face lift to address sagging skin and jowls.
The following photographs depict an 18 year old woman who wished to have a larger and fuller bust. She underwent breast augmentation with smooth, round 330 cc saline implants.The implants were placed beneath her pectoralis muscles using incisions placed within the areolas.
The post-operative photographs depict her at approximately 6 months after her surgery. Peri-areolar incisions can heal nearly imperceptibly. They are hidden in virtually all fashions and swimwear. Dr. Belsley can place either saline or silicone implants through this type of incision.
This case depicts a 56 year old woman who underwent upper and lower eyelid lifts in concert with an endoscopic brow lift. The majority of the heaviness in her upper eyelids was due to descent of her brow, which was addressed by the brow lift. Her post-operative photographs depict her appearance at approximately 4 months after surgery.
In individuals who exhibit sagging of the skin of the brow, a brow lift is necessary to rejuvenate the upper third of the face and to release the heaviness from the upper eyelids. When an upper eyelid lift is performed at the same time as a brow lift, the result can be dramatic and long lasting.
This case depicts a 51 year old woman who was delivered of two children by c-section. Both her abdominal skin and abdominal wall had been stretched during her pregnancy, giving her abdomen a less taught appearance. These post-partum changes are not typically response to diet or exercise.
Although abdominoplasty incisions can vary in length, a portion can be placed within an existing transverse c-section scar. Often, the entire incision is relatively easy to hide, even when wearing a two piece swimsuit. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately one year after surgery.
This case depicts a 55 year old woman who wished to achieve a more youthful facial appearance. In addition, others felt that she often appeared "angry." She underwent an endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower eyelid lifts and a short scar face lift which addressed the skin and fat beneath the chin, the jowls and elevated the midface. The post-operative photographs depict her appearance approximately three and a half months after surgery.
A short scar face lift often requires no incisions behind the ears and can achieve an excellent result in appropriately selected cases. The recovery time ranges from two to four weeks, although some individuals return to work as early as one week after surgery.
This case depicts a 29 year old woman who after bearing three children had become concerned with the protuberance of her abdomen. In this case, both stretching of the abdominal wall and excess fat beneath the abdominal skin were contributing to the unfavorable contour of her abdomen.
She had moderate but not severe stretch marks over her abdomen, the majority of which were removed in the surgery.
This case depicts a 30 year old woman who had undergone breast augmentation with 300 cc smooth, round saline implants placed above the pectoralis muscles via a periareolar incision by another surgeon approximately one year prior to her consultation with Dr. Belsley.
Her Grade IV capsular contracture was revised by exchanging her implants and placing the new 330 cc smooth, round saline implants below the pectoralis muscle and performing a vertical or "lollipop" incision breast lift. The post-operative photographs depict her appearance just under one year after her corrective surgery.