Brow lift and upper and lower eyelid lifts
Brow lift and upper and lower eyelid lifts

This case depicts a 45 year old woman who wished to address her "heavy" upper eyelids and the fact that others often perceived her as angry.
Dr. Belsley felt that she would benefit from elevating the position of her eyebrows in addition to having upper and lower eyelid lifts. The combination of the brow lift and eyelid lifts opened up her eyes and defined her.
Upper eyelid creases, while maintain a youthful fullness to the upper eyelid. The post-operative photographs depict her appearance at two weeks after surgery. Dr. Belsley performs brow lifts using a few short incisions within the hairline. The position of the eyebrows alone can be elevated using the incision through which an upper eyelid lift is performed.