This case depicts a fit 24 year old woman who exercised and ate healthfully, but wished for her upper arms to appear more defined.
Ultrasonic liposuction was utilized to remove the relatively small amount of fatty tissue that was obscuring her musculature.
Even in fit and muscular individuals, fat can obscure muscle tone. The incisions necessary for this type of procedure are only several millimeters long and the results can be remarkable.
The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately six weeks after surgery.

This case depicts a 47 year old woman whose concerns included that her lower body was out of proportion with her upper body. This body shape affected the way that her clothing fit. She underwent liposuction of the lateral thighs, medial thighs and medial knees, restoring balance to her body.
Liposuction, in this type of an individual, can increase fashion options, improve the fit of clothing and certainly increase self-confidence.
The recovery time varies with the amount of fat removed and the areas addressed. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately three months after surgery.

This case depicts a 34 year old man who was concerned with the appearance of excess fat above his buttocks.
In both men and women, this area is sometimes referred to as "the love handles," and it is especially responsive to liposuction. I tend to use ultrasound assisted liposuction in this area because it allows me to remove fat more evenly and more thoroughly. The incisions are easy to hide in most swimwear and the results can have a profound effect upon the male physique.
The post-operative photographs depict this man's appearance approximately six weeks after surgery.

This case depicts a 45 year old woman who had concerns with excess fat above the buttocks.
This area was deeply out of proportion with the rest of her trunk and negatively affected the way that her clothing fit. In both men and women, this area is often referred to as the "love handles."
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction was utilized to harmonize the appearance of the lower back with that of the remainder of her torso. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately three months after surgery.

This case depicts a 55 year old woman who after losing almost 100 pounds had developed sagging skin in the upper arms. Because of the significant skin excess that remained after such dramatic weight loss, liposuction alone was not possible as a method of arm contouring.
Although this procedure involves an incision beginning in the arm pit or axilla and extending down toward the elbow, the results allow individuals to fit into items of clothing in which they could not prior to their surgery.
The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately six months after surgery.

These photographs depict a 41 year old woman whose goals after surgery were to have more shapely but not overly large breasts, as her frame was small. She underwent breast augmentation with 158 cc smooth, round, silicone implants.
The implants were placed beneath her pectoralis muscles through an incision in the lower fold of the breast. The post-operative photographs depict her at just under 2 months after surgery. She wears a small B cup bra after surgery.