The butt is the end of something, and buttock is the diminutive of butt, it is the end of the torso and where the lower limb begins; to the anatomist it is the gluteal region. The gluteal muscles, which form the bulk of the buttocks in the slim subject, stabilise the hip and make upright bipedal walking possible. But the buttocks are a target area for fat deposition, varying in racial characteristic, so some are termed steatopygenous by their proclivity to get outsize buttocks in relation to the rest of the body’s structure.
Gluteus maximus is attached proximally and medially to the back of the pelvis, its thick coarse fibers pass laterally and downwards to insert in part into the back of the femur, but mostly into the ilio-tibial tract which descends down the outside of the thigh to attach to lower femur and upper tibia. Gluteus medius and minimus hidden beneath maximus, do not contribute to the size of the buttock.
Not unlike the breast, the buttock is an object of concupiscence, some like them small and neat, others like them large. So, like the breast, this creates a field for the surgeon, to make larger or smaller the buttocks of the presenting patient, of either sex (or sometimes in process of changing sex), in the range of procedures known as gluteoplasty. Although this might in some instances be a corrective procedure for the effects of an injury, in others it is an esthetic procedure which may augment the buttocks by a prosthesis inserted beneath the muscles, or reshape the buttocks by liposculpture, to the desired appearance.
This case depicts a 33 year old woman who had concerns with excess fat above the buttocks, around the waist in the back and around the bra area. Liposuction in the back has been greatly facilitated in my practice with the advent of ultrasound assisted liposuction.
This specialized method of liposuction uses ultrasonic energy to break up fat cells so that they may be removed more thoroughly and more evenlly.
I use this method of liposuction in the back and in other areas of the body where removal of fat with traditional liposuction is more difficult. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately three months after surgery.
This case depicts a 34 year old man who was concerned with the appearance of excess fat above his buttocks.
In both men and women, this area is sometimes referred to as "the love handles," and it is especially responsive to liposuction. I tend to use ultrasound assisted liposuction in this area because it allows me to remove fat more evenly and more thoroughly. The incisions are easy to hide in most swimwear and the results can have a profound effect upon the male physique.
The post-operative photographs depict this man's appearance approximately six weeks after surgery.
This case depicts a 45 year old woman who had concerns with excess fat above the buttocks.
This area was deeply out of proportion with the rest of her trunk and negatively affected the way that her clothing fit. In both men and women, this area is often referred to as the "love handles."
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction was utilized to harmonize the appearance of the lower back with that of the remainder of her torso. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately three months after surgery.