This case depicts a 59 year old woman who wanted to achieve a more youthful appearance. She was specifically concerned with her jowls and the fullness beneath her neck. She underwent an upper eyelid lift, a lower eyelid lift, a short scar face lift and ultrasound assisted liposuction of her neck and jowls.
The pictures show her approximately six months after surgery. The lower eyelid lift performed in this case did not involve removal of the fat that normally resides in the lower eyelid.
Instead, the fat was repositioned to fill in the hollows of the lower eyelids, making the transition from the lower eyelid to the cheek smoother and more aesthetically attractive.
This case depicts a 40 year old woman who wished to have a larger and fuller bust.She underwent placement of 350 cc smooth, round saline implants. The implants were placed partiallly beneath her pectoralis muscles through an incision in the lower fold of the breast.
The post-operative photographs depict her at 3 months after surgery. The inframmamary fold incision is a particularly good option for women who have a well-developed breast fold before surgery. Because of this individual's anatomy, the incisions will be difficult to see at any angle.
This case depicts a 37 year old woman who had borne a child and noticed several changes in the appearance of her abdomen post-partum. Her abdominal skin appeared to be sagging, her abdominal wall was less taught than it had been prior to her pregnancy and she had developed significant stretch marks.
Individuals such as this woman are optimal candidates for an abdominoplasty or "tummy tuck," as they have "stretched out" skin that would not respond well to liposuction. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately one year after surgery.