The male breast is susceptible to the action of hormones, and commonly enlarges in infancy as a result of maternal hormone, at puberty as result of hormonal changes and at senescence as a result of decreasing testosterone formation. It may also be found in the patient who has undergone marked reduction of excessive weight, yet the fat deposits around the breast disproportionately persist.
Gynecomastia is enlargement of the breasts in the male, although it may be found in association with a number of uncommon endocrine disturbances, but unless due to some specific condition it is otherwise quite benign and the only indication for treatment is cosmetic and to restore “male pride.”
If it is decided treatment is required this will probably be performed by a combination of liposuction and gland excision; the nipple areolar complex will be left intact.
Through one or more small peripheral stab incisions the liposuction cannula will be inserted and moved forcibly around during the aspiration process, applied not only to the hemisphere of breast tissue but also to the “axillary tail.”
Once the fat has been removed, the much reduced volume of glandular tissue can be defined. This can be removed through a one inch sub-areolar incision, performed by “blind” dissection, bluntly and with scissors, or assisted by the laparoscope, according to the surgeon’s practice.