AFTER PHOTOGRAPH: Frontal view of a 21 year old woman who underwent lipoabdominoplasty,…

This individual photograph is part of the surgical case study:
AFTER PHOTOGRAPH: This a frontal view of a 21 year old woman who had lipoabdominoplasty, liposuction of the anterior flanks and hernia repair.
A lipoabdominoplasty treats the front of the abdomen and combines liposuction and abdominoplasty in doing so. The remainder of the mid-body or "trunk" can be treated with liposuction as well if there are objectionable fat deposits elsewhere.
In this woman's case, the front portion of the "sides" of her body were treated with liposuction. This accentuated her waist. I try to keep the scar from the lipoabdominoplasty low on the abdomen and as short as possible- usually less than 12 inches long.