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Mid-body liposuction

Mid-body liposuction


This is a 32 year old woman with a BMI of 24 who underwent mid-body liposuction using ultrasound assisted liposuction.  She had borne one child and had a few stretch marks over her anterior abdomen.  Typically, such patients are better candidates for an abdominoplasty, but this woman's skin elasticity was fairly intact and her abominal wall muscles had not been overly stretched by the pregnancy either.  She very much wished to avoid any scarring over her abdomen.  She and I were both willing to accept a minor amount of skin looseness and so after much discussion, I proceeded with ultrasound assisted liposuction of her entire trunk, front and back.

Her result shows a significant improvement with which she is quite pleased.  Other individuals who wished to have "tight" skin would achieve an exceptional result with a lipoabdominoplasty, which would entail an 10 to 12 inch long scar in the lower abdomen.